
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Restart. Refresh. Remake. Whatever you call it.

I've deleted all the previous posts I'd written.
No concrete reason for doing so.
It's time for me to start afresh, turning to that new page of my life.

Life's changing.
I used to think that I'll be the exact same me from 6,7 years back.
Hate to admit, but my emotion and psychological condition has evolved.

I'm still that 5 year-old trapped in a body of 22 year-old imperfect adult.
But I guess my way of seeing things change.
I'm no longer regretting over that unsaid things, not that girl that used to do every single thing half-heartedly, nor that jerk that thought her own happiness matters the most.

For a fact, I still much in love with those Japanese idols, singers, animes, mangas and cultures.
I met, virtually, many people because of them.
The people that perked up my interest more than the real people I'm seeing before my own eyes.
Less judgment, less hypocrisy.
They filled that empty slot in my soul.
(To Rei, Ari, Sami, Zara and Nad - you guys are awesome. And I love you.)

Ah, I'm already out of things to write.
So, till next post.



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